Experience with Us

Comprehensive Eye Health Exam with us

During your visit, Dr. Koyfman will perform a comprehensive eye examination consisting of visual acuity testing, evaluation of general ocular health and Optomap or dilation of your pupils (drops to make your pupils large) to assess any medical issues that may require treatment. Many medical conditions such as hypertension, diabetes or other disorders can be diagnosed during an eye examination. Driving is not normally a problem after dilation, but if you feel uncomfortable, please have someone available to drive you home. 

Dr. Koyfman is very receptive to the needs of our patients. For our senior citizens, glaucoma, macular degeneration and cataracts are among common concerns. For our middle age patients, reading difficulties or lasik are frequent topics. For our younger patients, Dr. Koyfman stresses the importance of proper eye movements, and the ability to read and comprehend. We have worked with many children whose reading and writing skills have greatly improved due to a simple vision correction. 

If you are a contact lens wearer or would like to be, please inform us as it requires specialized testing that is not part of the normal eye examination. Dr. Koyfman specializes in hard to fit contacts, please call us for an consultation.

​If possible, have all previous eye examination records sent to the office or brought in at the time of examination. 

School Visit with us

School eye screenings do not test for everything. It could give wrong prescription or miss diseases. They may test for distance vision in each eye separately, but do not test for near vision (reading) or how the two eyes work together as a unit. 

Dr. Koyfman tests for ocular problems that can impact learning and development. He also stresses the importance of proper eye movements, and the ability to read and comprehend. We have worked with many children whose reading and writing skills have greatly improved. 

Some signs of possible vision problems to look for in your child are following:  Head tilt Reading too close * Squinting * Complaining of headaches * Closing one eye * Decrease in normal reading habits * Fighting to do homework more than normal * Sudden drop in grades * May do better in math but not as good in subjects where heavy reading is required.

The above are only a sample of possible detection of vision problems. Some children may display little or no signs at all. They may have had vision problems for quite some time. These children don't read as much as you think they should. They seem to put down their books in a short period of time &/or read very little for "pleasure".

Some concerns that Dr. Koyfman will check for your child is: